For Organizations

Business Applications for Behavioral Media

While software tools for understanding and predicting behavior in digital forums have developed immensely in the past few years, understanding and predicting what people are thinking and feeling has remained an unsolved problem. Understanding these aspects of people’s online interactions has the potential to elevate our understanding on online communication, and how it relates to people’s cognitive and emotional predispositions. So, we’re working to make tools that do that.

Key Messages

  • BMN is a Portfolio Company under the Q-Bank Group venture management company
  • BMN is a cognitive analytics organization
  • BMN focuses on extracting cognitive insights from text and other online media
  • BMN collaborates with the world’s top research universities and organizations, such as MIT, Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT) and Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA)

For Security and Intelligence

We are developing software tools that can be used to identify and predict insider threats. These tools can be used to monitor for internal security issues. We are looking to partner with companies/organizations in both public and private sectors to tailor our tools to your needs.

Key Security and Intelligence Points

  • BMN’s Cognitive Insights can be used to take preventative measures against insider threats
  • BMN is collaborating with IIT on a multi-million dollar IARPA grant to extract metaphors from text in order to better understand miscommunications due to cultural differences


  • [July 17th, 2013] – Behavioral Media Networks, Brain Sciences Foundation (BSF) Latest Collaborative Research Presented at AAAI-13 Conference in Washington by Senior BSF Research Fellow Dr. Shlomo Argamon
  • [May 31st, 2013] – Behavioral Media Networks announces limited release of new Cognitive Insights API Suite for psychographic profiling
  • [February 1st, 2013] – Behavioral Media Networks, in collaboration with IIT, receives $665,000 in co-funding for the metaphor project by IARPA, bringing total funding from the agency to $820,000

Additional Partnership Areas

For Social E-Commerce

We are looking to develop cognitive analytics tools for use by developers and tech companies in filtering content and product recommendations for end users in a more meaningful way.

For Marketing and Advertisements

We are using our cognitive analytics tools to also develop software programs that provide cognitively targeted advertisements to end users.

For Employee & Talent Management

We are developing software that can improve recruitment and employee efficiency/contentment within large organizations.